odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Thursday, December 15, 2005

My Manic Moment

"The diagnosis of a manic episode or mania requires at least one week of unusual incessantly heightened, grandiose, or agitated mood in addition to three or more of the following symptoms: exaggerated self-esteem, sleeplessness; pressured (hurried) speech; flight of ideas; reduced ability to filter extraneous stimuli; distractibility; increased activities with increased energy; and multiple, grandiose high-risk activities involving poor judgment and severe consequences such as spending sprees, sex with strangers, and impulsive investments." (APA, 2000).

After the last couple of days, I decided to do a little self-diagnosis. Hopefully, you can relate, and if not, either empathize or keep your mouth shut. Yesterday, I woke up around 7am, got my oil changed, got emissions test done on my car, went to the chiropractor, got a safety test done on my car, went to Michael's and Hobby Lobby (I had to get supplies for my jewelry show on Thurs.), ran to work to drop something off, came home, got chewed out by my mom about something I didn't even do (menopause and holiday season don't mix well), had dinner, then worked on making jewelry until about 3am (and while making jewelry, I watched America's Next Top Model, dumb but entertaining). All day, I'm my happy self, a little excited and anxious about my show. Woke up today around 7am, had a meeting at working, had two messages from my mom about something I forgot to do, ran to Wal-Mart looking for jewelry tags (not there), they directed me to Jo-ann Fabrics (not there), who directed me to Office DePot (bingo), ran home, mom's on my case about something else and this time I snap (honestly, my mom is amazing, but the holidays are stressful for her, and it usually doesn't bother me when she gets irritable, but today I'm very "on-edge"), got last minute stuff ready for my show, went to my jewelry thing (made $242 in 2 hours, whew-whoo!), went back to the oil place cuz my oil was leaking, picked up some dinner (this was the first time I had eaten all day), went home, unpacked from the weekend, did laundry, talked on the phone, and am now writing a blog. And on top of that, throughout the day I received/made about 25 phone calls. And boy, did my mood fluctuate today; I really, really tried to be in a good mood, but everything was ticking me off. So, I would say heightened or agitated mood with symptoms of sleeplessness, pressured speech, reduced ability to filter extraneous stimuli, distractability, and increased activities with increased energy. And I thought this was going to be a relaxing Christmas break. A few more days like this, then you'll have to give me some Lithium and call me crazy.


Blogger Adam said...

Tuesday I worked and worked hard getting things ready for 3 different parties. Had a really long meeting. Had to run to a couple of peoples house to drop stuff off after work and go to a 4th grade basketball game. Then going home eat and did demolition on a house and hung drywall.

Wednesday is always crazy, helping out with preschool. Getting Wednesday night ready. Helping make food. Policing hallways. Had an interview. Did wednesday night. Helped worship band afterwards with some stuff.

Thursday feeling very tired walked in and student attempted suicide (not in my youth group but very close to many of the students) Wrote and organized a different lesson for sunday. And just daily grind stuff. Went to school and hung out. Came back and getting meeting ready for tonight. Had a evaluation meeting. Had Children's ministry meeting. Came home changed into some shorts and played soccer.

Ahh Friday is my day off. Oh wait I planned a 3 hour party for tomarrow... uhhh I hear you Erin I hear you

10:18 PM  
Blogger Lucas said...

I was waiting for the "sex with strangers part." It amazes me that one would have time for that during a manic episode.

Have some hot chocolate and a bath Erin. Seriously.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Adam- life is so much fun sometimes...

Lucas- I was going to write about the "sex with strangers" part, but I was afraid that someone might take it seriously. Currently, I'm relaxing by enjoying some chocolate chip cookies and some milk while a wait for a friend to come over. But a bath does sound nice. I'll pencil it into my schedule.

9:32 PM  

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