odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Every night, we had intense gaming. Here we are playing some hardcore catch phrase. Always a good time.

There were random cars and boats everywhere. See the "X" on the house? At the top is the date the house was checked for bodies, on the left of the "X" (behind the tree) is the animal body count, and on the bottom is the human body count; luckily, there was none at this house. But could help but look at the "X" on all the houses when you drove by.

Here's me showing the bull who's boss... him. But at least I stayed on for longer than eight seconds...

Here's us on the food line. We were having rice and smoke sausage (blarf). I have no idea what I'm looking at. I would make up songs to entertain everyone as we baked in the sun. It was good times.

Here's a house that hadn't been touched yet. We went exploring... okay, trespassing. They had an indoor pool, and it's water was completely black, and their hot tub was floating in the pool.

Here's French Quarters, pretty much untouched by the storm.

Here's me and Ben, my new buddy. He's a good sport.

Here's our group outside of our tent.

Yet another house.

And us working on the bay. This area was covered with all sorts of junk.

Well, I hope you enjoyed; the sequels are usually not as good as the originals, but I hope this one broke that stereotype. I don't think there will be anymore pictures, but there is always the possibility that this could turn into a trilogy...


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