odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Oh, happy days...

Today, I'm on cloud nine. The last couple of weeks has been very trying, but I feel like God decided that I needed a little break today. Here are the things that made me smile today:
-I had an awesome interview this morning for my hopeful internship this summer in the ICU. The head nurse of the floor and I really hit it off and we ended our meeting with her saying that she can't say that I have the job (that's human resource's job), but she can say that she really wants me to work for her and she thinks I'm adorable. She said that this summer, I would get to use my CPR skills when someone codes, which happens often cuz it's the ICU, and I might get to see them crack opens someone's chest if they crash, and I might get to see some surgeries like open-heart; freakin' sweet!
- I was tutoring today in the academic lab, and there is this one guy who also tutors that reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite. He always smiles at me and says "hi", and I say "hi" back. But today he was especially smooth. He was smiling at me and went to sit down in a chair. He put is his hand on the armrest of the chair and sat down; unfortunately the seat of the chair was on the other side of the armrest. His butt hit the ground, and his legs went flying in the air. My voice cracked as I asked him if he was okay cuz I was trying not to laugh. He pops up and says, "I'm... I'm okay... just embarrassed... I thought the seat was there... um... but it's not..." Poor guy...tee-hee-hee...
-I'm going to New Orleans for spring break to help with Katrina relief. I'm so excited! It's been such a long time since I have done something like this and I really miss it.
-I received a letter today from my school saying that I am one of five out of all the nursing students chosen by the university to be eligible for this special Nursing scholarship for next year. My first thought: I know I am not one of the top five grade-wise. It must have been my sparkling wit and my wonderful personality that won someone over (you like me, you really like me!). Either way, I felt really honored. I hope I get it; it would be great to not have to pay for next year.
-And last of all, I got my haircut! Sure that was actually a couple of days ago, but it looked really cute today. Here's some pics:


Blogger Adam said...

Oh forgot one, seeing some of the most attractive dummys of all time (cough randy and I cough)

Sounds like things have been coming together nicely for you, glad to hear all of it :)

6:12 PM  
Blogger Lucas said...

I don't understand the spitting of the water. Was that really nessasary? It's like "hey look at this" SPLAT!

9:46 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

My brother and I were looking at one of his photography books, and I loved this picture of a person spitting water. So that's the story behind that picture. We got some great pictures of water running down my face, and me laughing... but I didn't post them cuz they weren't the most flattering.

10:47 AM  

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