odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tonight at work, we were watching "Pretty Woman" after we got everyone to bed. And, well, it made me think about prostitutes. I wonder what their lives are like. No, I'm not looking to change my major again. I'm tempted to "hire" one, take her out to dinner, and interview her. Don't worry, I won't. I have no idea where to find one. But I would ask her about her life. What was your life like growing up? What did you want to be? If you could do/be anything, what would it be? What's your typical day like? How do you feel about life?
When I worked at Victoria's Secret, one of my co-workers was a stripper. She was not the brightest, but she was incredibly sweet. She lived in the projects, had two kids. When applying for the job, she had "not so professional" clothing on, but my boss looked pass that, saw how great she was, and gave her a job. I enjoyed working with her. She had a hard time acting appropriately around guys, not that she didn't want to, she just didn't know how. And she really wanted a real job, and be a good mom, but it's hard to give up that line of work because it pays well and it's hard to find a good job whose pay is comparable. But she was trying, working part-time at VS, for a little over minimum wage. I wonder how she's doing.
While driving home from work, I pass this closed-down hotel, with a closed restaurant attached to it. Wouldn't it be awesome to turn it into some shelter for prostitutes, strippers, women out of prison who need help getting back on their feet, battered women, teen moms, and their kids? And open the restaurant, and the women can work there, to get some work experience and some money, so they can get a real job. And get them enrolled in a nearby community college to also get them some education under their belts. And get them connected at my church, which is freakin' huge, so they won't feel awkward as they might feel if they went to a smaller church and everyone would know that they were new.
I love that God gave us the ability to dream. I have no idea where God is leading my life, whether I'll get to do great things in the lives of thousands, great things in the lives just around me, or great things in His eyes alone. But I love to dream about it. Sometimes I struggle between my dream of being a rockin' wife and an awesome mom, and my more humanitarian dreams, cuz I don't see how they fit together, but I try to let God worry about those things... try being the emphasized word. But it cool to think about how God can use you, with your unique gifts and talents, and other things that are unique to you. The possibilities are endless. Thankfully, I'm young, and, hopefully, I have a lot of life ahead of me, cuz I have a lot of dreams I like to accomplish. But I'll concern myself with the details later. As for tonight, I'll dream.


Blogger ahbahsean said...

"What's your major?"
"Really! Mine's Accounting!"

Can I counsel the kids at this dream facility?

5:10 AM  
Blogger Adam said...

I tried writing a comment... too many things to say. You are echoing some of my current thoughts.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Lucas said...

You can be a mom and a career woman. My mom did it. She is amazing.

I would think that a great way for a stripper to "go legit" would be to lead one of those "stripper arobics" classes. Help women everyone poll dance the pounds off and help men everywhere... well.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

Bec- have I told you lately that I love you? You crack me up. And sure you can counsel kids at my facility, but you'll have to wait. First, I need to go help people with AIDS in Africa, work at an orphanage, go on tour with some superstar as a back-up dancer, start my own business... and create world peace.
Adam- you're thinking of prostitutes, too? Just messin'. It's fun thinking outside the church walls, isn't it?
Lucas- I really hope to pull it off. And that's a good idea (the aerobic thing). It would make the world a better place.

11:44 AM  
Blogger Mandybear said...

seriously chica your blogs are so long I have to schedule time to read them...how do you think up such fun stories?

7:47 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

Sorry they're long. I try to write thoroughly so the reader is not like, "um, I have no idea what you are trying to say."
And that question is tough to answer. Um... I have always been a story-teller and I like to share the silly things in my life that make me smile/laugh in hopes that it will get the same reactions in others. Thanks for thinking they're fun!

7:40 PM  

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