odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sight is not highly over-rated ...

Have you ever had one of those "how could I have been so stupid" moments?

The other night, I was working an over-night shift with Sherri*, the night nurse. Now Sherri is an elderly woman who is not the most tactful when confronting people (she has started a fight with every nurse at my job). Many people may describe her as being the grouchiest person alive, and that she loves to point out the bad in any good situation. Most people avoid her. But I see her as a savior, showing me the ignorance of my way.
So we were making our rounds, turning and changing clients. I was lifting up the client while Sherri was straightening the bed pad, and the client poked at my eye. Luckily I closed my eye in time, but in shock, I said, "oh".
"What happened?" Sherri asked.
"D. almost poked me in the eye. But I'm okay; no biggy. Besides, sight's highly over-rated, anyways," I replied with a smile. For those of you who don't know me well, I say "____ is highly over-rated" to show that what just happened in not that big of a deal. Example, I have a roommate that didn't shower much, and we would joke around about how showers are highly over-rated, both knowing the importance of good hygiene but neither one of us caring if she showered or not.
"How can you say that sight is over-rated?!"
"Sherri, I'm just kidding..."
"Well, that's not something to joke about!" She said, and then decided to give me a ten minute lecture about why sight is not highly over-rated. Here are some key points of the lecture:
-You wouldn't say that if you were blind.
-How would you explain "sight being over-rated" to a blind person.
-You wouldn't be able to do anything if you were blind, like drive, or be a nurse, or look at people...
-There are lots of blind people out there who wish that they were in your shoes, and you could care less if you go blind. "Think about it, Erin, think about it."
"You're right, Sherri. I'm sorry." I've learned a hard lesson... some people don't get sarcasm.

Surprisingly, Sheri and I get along great. I find her pessimistic mood entertaining, and even though she may not verbalize that she care, she would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it (but she would complain about it;). And I've been able to make her laugh a few times, but, man, it takes a lot of effort...

*name has been changed to protect the nurse's privacy, or to save my butt just in case she was to stumble upon this blog, which I seriously doubt she will cuz I don't think she even know what a blog is. I'll give you a hint, though, in case you're curious; it rhymes with Sherri.


Blogger Matt said...

I had a friend in High School who was def. We used to sit a lunch together and would talk by writing notes on a piece of paper. One day I made the comment (and wrote it) that talking was cheep and it wasn't a big deal that she couldn't. I was just being silly, but everyone at our table was freaking out and telling me how insensitive I was. But my friend was laughing her head off...silently...you know what I mean. Anyway I know how you feel.

6:51 AM  
Blogger Lucas said...

Let's see... rhymes with sherri... Jerry, Barry, Harry, Larry, Scary, Dairy, Query...

Personally, I would think that any well adjusted blind person would agree that sight is "overratted." Because they can live without it. Just like people with no taste or sense of humor, find fashion and having fun "overrated." But really there's not much difference betweent these two groups of people. Neither can put an outfit together without some substancial help.

I'm going to burn in hell.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Sorry. I really wish I could go, but I can't skip my nursing classes cuz it affects my grades. But have fun without me. But don't cry for me; this weekend matt and I will be tearing up St.L.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

When are you guys going to Louisville? This weekend?

7:44 AM  

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