odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'm ready for Spring Break...

Alas, I am now in the thick of a new semester, which means I'll probably be blogging less but I'll try to keep up. Though I don't feel like going into what I am studying, here are some random stories that apply to my classes or clinicals:
-In my Maternity Nursing class (a.k.a.- Labor and Delivery), we learned how to figure out the Estimated Date of Birth. From that calculation I figured out that I was probably conceived on July 4th. I guess different people show patriotism in different ways...
-In my Nursing Research class, we were asked what we think would be good research questions. Mine was, "do sexually active homosexual men have more heart problems due to Vagus stimulation?" I know I'm weird, but stick with me here. One thing that I have learned is that you can't argue morals with liberals, so I try to find more logical ways to argue my beliefs. You know how some Old Testament laws protected the Israelites from sickness and stuff even thought they did not know it at the time. Well, what if homosexuality is a health risk? You have to be careful who you give an enema or a rectal temperature to due to stimulation of the vagus nerve, which slows down the heart and has the possibility of even stopping the heart. Please don't make me explain it's connection to homosexual males. The best part, though, is that my teacher loved the question, but she was curious about one thing: how would I do the research. Any volunteers?
-In Labor and Delivery clinical, one of my peers is extremely book-smart but she kinda lacks common sense. A group of us were looking at charts, discussing our patients, and answering questions on this worksheet. I said, "This question says, 'was this a spontaneous or an operational delivery?' My child was a spontaneous operation." She perks up quickly and gasps,"I didn't know you had a baby!" We all died laughing. She joined in a couple of minutes later when she figured it out.
-I'm a tutor at school. But since it's the beginning of the semester, no one needs tutoring yet, so I just sit in the office and do my homework or help others with little tasks around the place. Yesterday, I read a book outloud for a tape recorder for a blind girl at our school. First of all, I suuuuuck at reading out loud. And since the book is about social research (not my area), I messed up a lot of words. It took me a hour to read about 7 pages, cuz I had to keep starting over. And the book kept on bringing up sexual stuff. For example, it talked about social myths that people believe, like masturbation will make you go blind. Kind of a double whammy: being recorded talking about sexual stuff and saying a blind person that masturbation will make you go blind. But that's not the worse part. The chapter tells the reader to "look" at something about 5 times. "Look at the book and describe..." "How would you describe the person's reaction in this picture?" Even though it's not my words, I couldn't help but feel horrible telling a person I knew was blind to look at something...


Blogger ahbahsean said...

I tutored for work study in the girl's dorm. Never EVER did i actually have a student...

I had a blind chemistry professor at Truman who did his PhD work in photochemistry... wrap your brain around that one... ;)

10:00 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

Oh, don't tell me that... I'll go crazy if I don't get a student.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Lucas said...

Sometime (not on the internet) I will tell you the horrible things I witnessed with the blind girls at LCC while working in the cafe'.

P.s. I laughed so hard about the homosexual heart condition, that I think I peed my pants.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Alaina- don't worry; you're not my only stalker. I have friends call me and tell me they liked my last post, and I'm like, "...you read my blog?... oh, I need to be more careful about what I write..."

Lucas- oh, the stories I wish I could tell, I just don't want to be sued or get fired.

8:21 PM  

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