odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Thursday, July 29, 2010

(brain injury) kids say the darnedest things...

It was a rather rough day at the hospital where I felt like I couldn't get on top of my work for the life (well, more like sanity) of me.  But luckily on days like these, I receive little reminders of why I love my job.  I was helping my CNA with morning care on a patient of ours who had had a brain injury and can be really combative (I always get the combative ones, one of the downfalls of being nice and patient). As we were lotioning the patient (ya, that might sound weird if you're not medically inclined, but trust me, it's completely normal!) with some Bath and Body Works stuff that smelled like grape SweetTarts that her parents had brought from home  and the patient started to lotion my arm and then went for my throat! Much to my surprise and relief, she just desired to lotion my neck and nothing else. I laughed and asked her if she thought I was looking kinda dry, she casually replied, "Nope, just helping you out so that you smell good when the boys try to neck with you".  I almost lost it!  Obviously, she knows something I don't and she was just try to help a sista' out!  Thank... you...? :)


Anonymous Erin S said...

LOVE IT!! Glad to hear you had ONE good thing to your day! :) Hah Have fun on your vacation!

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Erin said...

That girl makes me smile! Also, at the end of the day, one of the mom's said, "you know, you are such a nice person!" and the other mom was trying to set me up with her son and a resident that she met at the other hospital, so I was chillin' by the end of the day! Thanks for letting me vent though!

6:40 AM  

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