odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Thursday, March 23, 2006

New Orleans Pictures, The Sequel: Things Just Got Messier!

Well, I got some more pictures from my New Orleans friends. Once again, pleas ignore the little intermission between my two picture posts. You could use that time to use the bathroom, fix your hair, get a soda. Enjoy.

Here is the main room of the warehouse that we cleaned up. There were two buses, to vans, a couple of old cars, and a lot of crap to clean out of this place. And it really stunk and it was really dirty, but it was fun. I almost punched a girl in here... but that's a story for another time.

A house hit by the storm.

Here's me and Brett tearing down the walls. I don't really know what I'm doing in this picture. Kinda looks like I'm grabbing my boobs... but I'm not. I think I might me dusting myself off. I don't know.

You can kinda see a line that goes around the house from where the water was; it was very noticeable in person. The water was at that line for quite some time. It so hard to imagine...

Um, here's me on a toilet in the warehouse. Don't worry; I cleaned the seat really good, and, no, my bare-butt is not touching the seat.

Due to lack of running water, we got to use these... yeah... Three of us girls were working at the warehouse by ourselves when these were dropped off, so we were the first to use them. They actually smell pretty good when no one has crapped in them yet.

Here's our group before a meeting on what we will be doing this week.

There are a lot of street artists in the French Quarters; here's one guy's work. I thought it was a cool picture.

Here's where we slept. 200 people in the tent. And the cots were really squeaky, so things were kinda loud at night. But it really wasn't that bad. Well, it kinda sucked when it got really windy, but the tent held up pretty well.

Here's most of our group by the Subway that was in the warehouse.


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