odd'ly: in a manner differing from the ordinary, usual, or expected. sen'ti-men'tal: marked or governed by feeling, sensiblity, or emotional idealism; expressive of tender emotions, such as love, sympathy, gentleness, & nostalgia.

Location: St. Louis, MO, United States

Monday, May 09, 2011

Wall Ball and Badly Drawn Buildings...

A few weekends ago, I went on a daddy-daughter date to Wall Ball, which is an art event featuring over 50 artists where you can actually watch them go through their process of making art.  I was quite giddy as I walked around and got to talk to different artists.  I loved seeing the different techniques that they used, was in awe of the ability of many, and had a few "dude, I can totally do that... why am I not doing that!" moments that has encouraged me to do more.  And, of course, I had the best date ever to share this experience with! My dad and I brainstormed on different art pieces I could make...
 Here's a guy working with glass... A friend and I will be taking a glass class soon (*squeal!*... similar to one heard from jr. high girls when they see Justin Bieber...)
 I liked this guy. He adds robots to all of his paintings, made me smile...
 And this guy was doing all this beautiful engrave work.  Quite jealous of his mad skills!
I'm all about supporting local artists, and I bought this sketch/watercolor piece from Jenn Carter.  I thought it was quite cute :)
But my favorite artist in the St. Louis area will always be my brother.  This is a charcoal sketch he had done for me as a gift.  He's so talented :)

After checking out all the art, I decided to make a painting for my dad.  I'm not going to go through the whole process of how I made it, cuz a lot went into it, but here's brief overview. 
My dad had a blue print of the Beaux Arts Building that he had worked on.  I made a quick sketch of the building from their website:
Then I pasted the blue print of the building onto a canvas,
Then painted...
The red is overlay of letters is the first initials of everybody in my fam.  This isn't my usual style, but it was fun to try something new! 

And I shall end with some Sultans of Swing... this song reminds me of riding around in the car with my dad as a kid... always makes me smile when I hear it :)


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